
Meso concept

It is not time that shows our age, rather the speed of wrinkles

Anger furrows into your skin creating wrinkles. Worry and a rushed lifestyle have the same effect. Even stress is a tricky thing. It takes over our mind, attacks our organs and furrows lines onto our face. meso|concept provides just the right answer for anyone wishing to counteract all of these effects. Meso beauty therapy combines synergistic steps to improve skin's appearance.

  • Biodermabrasion gently protects your skin's surface from dead skin cells, reduces blemishes, impurities, and the appearance of uneven skin.
  • Lontophoresis and mesoporotation applies biomaterials and hyaluronic acid to problem zones. Skin is hydrated using ultrasound.
  • Progressive massage relaxes tense muscles. Followed by myostimulation, which contracts weak muscles -ensuring faster recovery time.

The result: Your face appears more beautiful, firmer and years younger.

Meso concept

It is not time that shows our age, rather the speed of wrinkles

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